
AAUW Healdsburg Branch established the Healdsburg AAUW Fund, a 501(c)(3) corporation, to receive tax deductible donations. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 the Fund received $112,517. More than half of this amount came from donations from individuals and organizations who are committed to the advancement of women and girls.

The primary sources of fundraising are found in this chart – 2022-2023 Sources of Funds.

Tech Trek – is a week-long immersive summer camp for eighth grade girls in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. During the summer of 2023, seven girls participated in a successful camp held at Sonoma State University.  AAUW solicits donations to sponsor local girls.

For more information, contact Mary Barsony.

Direct donations – donations made directly to Healdsburg AAUW Fund support scholarships for women and girls and grants for local education programs.

For more information, contact Dena Cochran.

Our tax ID number is 47-2687963.